November 1, 2018: “Slice”

I have a bunch of great artist friends who have been participating in “Inktober” — a drawing every day in October to build/reinforce positive habits in their craft. Awesome, right? It inspired me to do the same thing with my voiceover work — with a tip of the hat to Inktober, I’m calling it VOvember – a wee bit of VO work every day in November to build/reinforce those same positive habits in myself. Here’s the first one. The prompt: “Slice” The source: the 1913 story “Grandfather’s Love Pie” by Miriam Gaines. #VOvember#VOvember2018

David Fuller · VOvember 20181101

Welcome to VOvember!

With many friends who are animators, I’ve been immersed in and entertained by their prolific drawings during the month of “Inktober.”  I was inspired by their efforts and decided to do the same with my voiceover work.  The name VOvember popped into mind (and made me chuckle) since my VO fun will follow the month after their Inktober.  Maybe my friends’ll even allow me to use some of their work as prompts / inspiration for my own.  So here’s to the first VOvember — and the creativity it may bring to this fall of 2017!