Many of my fabu artist friends once again participated this year in “Inktober” — a drawing every day in October to build/reinforce positive habits in their craft. It’s a really cool concept. And each year it inspires me to do the same thing with my voiceover work, and I’m running with that inspiration again this year. With a tip of the hat to Inktober, I call it VOvember – a quick bit of VO work posted every day in November to build/reinforce habits and elements of my art and craft at the mic. Here’s the first one of 2020 (and a nice distraction from everything else this year has given us!). The prompt: “Ominous.” The source: Jack London’s 1906 novel “White Fang”. #VOvember #VOvember2020 #Inktober
David Fuller, Voice Talent · VOvember 20201101 – Ominous – White Fang